Designers / CopyWriters

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A clear message, to make a lasting impression


illustrator artistThe message and the script created by the designer/copywriter will determine the success of your video. Their first task is to conduct an interview with you to gain a good understanding of every aspect to consider…


Our designers and copywriters come from the world of entertainment (movies, television, literature) and marketing (e-commerce, online) and are storytellers first and foremost. They know how to use words to capture the audience’s attention and transform your communication goal into a clear, interesting, visual and attractive message.


Their talent lies in knowing how to summarise it all in around 220 words and in defining a simple message. Their wisdom consists in understanding the key facts and conveying them through the message. Their professionalism articulates the message jargon-free for all audiences to clearly understand.


To describe, engage and capture the audience’s attention by telling a story, therein lies their true expertise.

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