Mixed motion graphics

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Motion Graphics various mixed animation

One of these techniques is what we call Mixed Motion Graphics.


This technique works as follows – the basic drawings are done in videoscribing. These are drawings made by our illustrators for which we can see the flow of the strokes and the design in an accelerated way (see here on the videoscribing page). They are then inserted into motion graphics software, so that you can animate parts of the drawings, such as the arm of a character, get a car moving, or any other activities necessary to develop the movement of the drawing or illustration.


This mixed technique allows videos with more animation potential to be made than a video in pure videoscribing, without the astronomical number of working hours required by pure motion graphics (see page on motion graphics).


Make no mistake, there are countless opportunities with this mixed technique. To convince you a little more, feel free to look at all the videos which we regularly post on this page. A video speaks more than all the explanatory texts that we could write.


Of course, this mixed technique requires us to have professional illustrators who will create the drawings that correspond completely to your graphic choice for your message. It also requires complete expertise in the techniques of motion graphics.


VideoTelling’s team includes professional specialists both for the illustrations and also in the use of motion graphics. And they are experienced in working as a team to produce mixed motion graphics videos of the highest technical quality.


If you have any doubts, check out our videos produced in mixed motion graphics on this page. And contact us to you to make sure that your choice of mixed motion graphics is the which best suits your needs.

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