Premium Motion Graphics

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Our videos in « premium » motion graphics

“Movement is life!”, said the philosopher… and also Brad Pitt in World War Z.


“Motion Graphics” is a technique which makes it possible to give movement to drawings, illustrations, texts and other graphic components used in our videos. The use of movement in the videos can range from the creation of the simplest to the most complex movements. The complexity of the desired movements results from a choice that we make with the customer, taking into account various criteria.


Premium motion design  is the service we offer for projects which require a great amount of movement in animated videos. Complex movements are created starting from our artists’ illustrations, sometimes image by image, for a result which sometimes literally approximates traditional cartoon animation.


Of course, the basic materials are the quality illustrations of our artists, illustrators and designers. But life is instilled into them by our motion graphics specialists. The techniques used in our premium option require dozens of hours work for a few minutes of video. But the result is well worth it.


It shouldn’t be forgotten that the choice of technique used depends on the message you want to convey, and on the way you want to communicate it. Of course, the choice will also depend on the budget you want to spend on creating animated videos. The choice of a video in premium motion graphics is a daring choice, but the result is guaranteed to take your teams’ breath away.


Our professional motion graphics designers are completely involved in the creation of your videos, and are completely integrated in our artistic team, to offer you the best of themselves and artistic videos of very high quality.


Don’t hesitate to check out their Premium Motion Graphics videos on this page.

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