Pricing for our animated explainer videos

Accueil > Pricing for our animated explainer videos

Depending on your specific needs you can add options to the graphic style package you choose below.

1. Graphic style

 2. Standard Options

3. Special options

4. Licence for your video

1. Choosing your graphic style

Services included in our custom creation:

  • Interview and advice for the artistic choices
  • Design and drafting of the text including discussion/dialogue until approval
  • Audio model to have an idea of the duration and final result of the narration
  • Creation of storyboard including discussion/dialogue until approval
  • Recording of the voiceover
  • Filming of the illustrator who draws
  • Choice of suitable music
  • Editing the video (synchronisation, voice, drawings, music)
  • Post-production: Transition effets, sound effects, animations…
  • Delivery of your video in HD and in all formats (.mov .mp4 .flv)

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To help you to  choose:

• Whiteboard Animation. It is “THE” standard. 80% of our videos are made with this technique which offers excellent value for money. A 100% tailor-made creation for an optimum result.


• Pop-up. This is the entry price. We create the text and the storyboard in the same way but the production process is simplified with constraints on the choice of illustrations and graphic effects.


• Mixed Motion graphics. It is the most dynamic style, mixing the best of the two worlds, illustration and animation…

2. Choosing your « standard » Options

3. Choosing your « special » Options

4. Transfer of the rights to the video and associated prices

VideoTelling’s attractive prices imply that, by default, VideoTelling remains the owner of the intellectual property rights to the videos that we produce.


By prior agreement, specific intellectual property rights may be transferred to the customer, free of charge or for a fee, giving the customer specific usage rights for the videos. Look at the table below which explains in detail what is included free of charge and what is a paying option.

For the first two options, VideoTelling reserves the right of representation of the video we’ve produced, in order to promote its activities. In the last options Videotelling may not use your video or show it.

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