Standard Motion graphics

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Our videos in Standard Motion Graphics

The writer Paul Valery wrote “style has movement and image”. Without knowing it (because it didn’t exist yet of course), he was talking about motion graphics (of course this is completely false because Anatole France was talking about Napoleon, but no matter).


“Movement and image”, or rather the image then the movement, this is what characterizes the techniques of motion graphics. The images present in our videos are created by our artists, draughtsmen, illustrators, etc, on software designed for this purpose. Once these illustrations have been created, you need to choose the way you want to see them appearing and moving in the video.


Motion graphics makes it possible to breathe movement into these illustrations with the assistance, for example, of the software After Effect. As soon as you see an illustration move in a video, whether it is the moving arm of a character, eyes that change position, a logo which transforms, etc., it is motion graphics at work.


A lot less logistics are needed to create movement in motion graphics than those necessary for the creation of a film with real shooting. And the effect is very often much more fun, lighter, more direct.


But the know-how necessary for creation in motion graphics should not be underestimated. Our motion graphics specialists are artistic experts in this software – they know the scope and options of these techniques lke the back of their hands. That’s what enables them to always breathe in the exact amount of movement necessary to deliver your message. An amount of movement that gives life to the illustrations, without erasing or degrading the aesthetics. It’s a real team effort from all our artists, whose specialties blend together harmoniously to get the best results.


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