Video scribing – the video of the 21st century

Accueil > Video scribing – the video of the 21st century

Scribing video is a unique way to forward your message (and maybe just become the king of Google videos, who knows?), and our team might be the very best to create the most efficient and artistic video scribing product.Video scribing, literally “video writing”, is a drawn video where we can see the drawing being done as we watch. It is a kind of explainer video, a new media, a unique and cool way of making your company or your products known. Why is it more effective than traditional media? First of all, video scribing has the advantage of novelty. But that’s not all.

1 – Give more impact to your message!


Try it and see, when you watch a hand-drawn video, you are fascinated. That is due firstly to the undeniable advantage of a cartoon over a video. It has to do both with the pleasure aesthetic (the drawings are pleasing), but also the deep delight that comes from childhood. What better way to immediately win over the interest of your prospects? As video scribing does not look like advertising, your prospects lower their natural barriers to advertising messages. They become attentive spectators. They listen to you!The content of a creative video scribing, using high quality sketches, creates the image you want to be created in the mind of the viewers. It is the best way to get your information across in few minutes.

2 – Video scribing allows your message to be better understood


One of the main reasons why a person stops listening and loses his/her interest for something is because they don’t understand what it’s about. Once you’ve grabbed the attention of your prospective customers, you need to keep it. We’ve all experienced the situation where, in class or at a meeting, the lecturer starts to draw a diagram on the board (the famous whiteboard) and it all becomes much clearer! Hand-drawn video allows a technical process or an abstract idea to be illustrated simply, without the constraints of a film budget. The only limit to the representation is imagination. In video scribing, it takes the same time to draw a rocket or a bicycle.

People who watch it will grab and adhere easily to your ideas

pricing of video scribing:

from €3,990 1min30

3 – Video scribing: gives you expert status!


Before browsing the pages of your website and going through the details of your offer, your prospect first wants to know if it is worth investing time in that. However, everyone wants to work with experts. An expert is precisely somebody who can explain something complex in a simple way. By mixing entertainment and educational content, that’s the result obtained with video scribing. So, a short, effective hand-drawn video positions you as a specialist in your field.


Some examples of “video scribing”

Our scribing videos are high quality visual storytelling which target the exact audience you want to contact. The created animations really make your clients grab the message you want to get across. And your company, through your scribing whiteboard videos, attains high levels of fame.

4 – Publish your message!

A hand-drawn video, it’s viral! This means that you can insert it on the pages of your social networks where it will begin to be shared and to travel. Combined with the other benefits of this media, it is ultimately this aspect that can boost your sales. The assets of video scribing – surprise, energy, pleasure for the eyes – all these flow back automatically to your company and your products.


If you add to that the fact of telling a story, a narrative that ‘stages’ your business or your offer and which is written as the video progresses, you can attract a wider audience and thus expand your customer base. And all this is possible without blowing your marketing budget to pieces!

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