Video Scribing and Videoscribe

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What is scribing video ?


In  Video Scribing, the drawing is performed by a computer drawing program. The visible hand on the screen is not the artist’s, it is a hand added artificially with editing software. It follows the direction of the created drawings and gives the “impression” that the illustration is being done directly.


This is a simple service that we offer at a lower cost. Indeed, some of the steps of the creative process have been removed thus simplifying the overall process. The computer-designed drawing allows less detailed effects, compared with the whiteboard where the artist draws each drawing board as a work in itself.

Pricing of video scribing

scribing video£ 3360 for 1min30. We choose the artists, illustrators and voiceover.


We can add color and animation for an additional cost which should be discussed with our sales department.


Our artists dedicated to video scribing create bespoke drawings to illustrate your project, so as to create a unique video, in your image.

£ 3360

Here some exemples of Scribing Video

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