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Les RHs depuis des années se préoccupent de lutter contre la discrimination.
ViaVoice va plus loin et explique comment l’inclusion des différences est une nouvelle forme d’intelligence.
Vous aussi, informez et formez vos collaborateurs pour améliorer vos valeurs.
C’est un communiquant que l’on gagne toutes les guerres, que ce soit la guerre contre la mondialisation, la robotisation, la stupidité ou les préjugés… Une vidéo dessinée explique vos valeurs, vos but mieux qu’un long discours.
I have coached people across the world on inclusive leadership, turning sensitivity to differences into a real skill. To be together efficiently,
we must go beyond tolerance and use a different form of intelligence. Let’s take a scientist and a creative.
Two expert minds in their own field. When facing a disagreement, they could tend to defend their own ways and end up working separately. But with an inclusive intelligence, they could integrate each other’s mindset and become stronger as individuals and as a team. If you were to go to Vietnam and played with chopsticks, you would be offending, could get a negative reaction and feel unwelcomed. What seemed insignificant could turn into a conflict. Using an inclusive intelligence allows you to quickly assess the other’s point of view and find the right attitude. And what about the cross generational dimension? We very often project stereotypes between the “young and connected” and the older people.
Rather than building walls between generations, inclusive intelligence helps us to enrich our experience from our differences. This intelligence is within us. This is how we grew up! Yet, we must reach for it and learn how to use it when facing differences. I have developed tools you can use to explore this new realm. It was tried and tested with over a thousand managers on 4 continents. Inclusive intelligence is good intelligence for greater achievement.
So let’s get into it ! If you want to know more… Inclusive intelligence is the ability to transform oneself, the team and the organisation, by bridging gaps and creating something bigger than us